Sunday, 5 April 2015


Dear Friends, today the whole world celebrates a very important event in our lives. Today the whole Christendom commemorates the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ "The Risen Christ". It is the dawn of a new creation. We celebrate the amazing depth of God's ineffable love, his unfathomable and inexhaustible fountain of divine mercy towards us despite our shortcomings.

Christ resurrection is very vital in our faith as Christians because it authenticates all that Christ said and did: His claim of divinity,his power to forgive sins etc while He was alive. As St. Paul would say "If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile, you are still in sin"-(1Cor. 15:17). Imagine what would have been our fate had Christ not risen! 

 On a day like this, we rejoice in Christ victory over the power of death and will anticipate the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. His resurrection transforms us to be self-gift to our neighbours. We rejoice that Christ lives and reigns in our lives. The stone couldn't hold him! The guards at the tomb couldn't hold him! Alas the tomb is empty and the eclipse of sin is over as the sun of hope and righteousness shines again.

 As we celebrate the dawn of our faith, let Easter change our lives. It is much more than celebration. It is the power to reconcile and heal, the power to forgive those that have erred us, the power to overcome our sinful habits and addictions in our lives.

"Lord make us instruments of your peace...", let this prayer of St. Francis of Asisi radiate in our lives. Let the Easter celebration make us instrumentalities of peace and love to our neighbours.

Finally, as we await the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Pentecost day, let us resolve to do something special for God as a sign of our gratitude to God for the gift of Easter. Let us learn to share with the less-privileged, the downtrodden, the paupers in our society so that the can as well feel the vibe of the Easter celebration.

May the light of the Risen Christ radiate efficaciously in your lives. AMEN!

 Always use the comment box to make your suggestions.

 Aniebo Anthony.

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