Wednesday 6 December 2017


The last two episodes presented us with stories that require deep reflections. In the first story, we see a girl who despite her faithfulness in serving God, her intentions were not granted. She served God devotedly, she participated actively in the sacrifice of the Holy Mass and yet it seemed like God was being unfair to her. If I may ask, does it mean that the sacrifice of the Holy Mass is no longer efficacious? Does it mean that Jesus is no longer present in the BLESSED SACRAMENT? Why was her prayers unanswered? The story further tells us how her mum encountered a Prophet and her request was granted. This woman started persuading her daughter to visit the prophet since all hopes were lost.

The second story presents us with an episode of a young man who was simply a church-goer. He lacked faith from the beginning. His visit to the “Miracle center” was due to his condition. Yes, he needed a job. He needed to put food on his table but he never believed God can do wonders. He believed in “Miracle center”. Yes, he later got the job but happiness of soul and mind was far from him.

A priest once told a true life story during his sermon of how a Christian Mother in dire need of a child visited a “Miracle center” where she was given a chain to put on her waist for seven days. She was instructed to remove the chain on the seventh day, sleep with her husband on the seventh night and she will conceive. Her eyes were opened when the prophecy failed even after some months.

There is also a true life story (as told by a priest) of how a young man visited a “miracle center” in search of prosperity in business. This young boy came to the Catholic priest and asked him to pray for him of which the priest did and warned him from visiting “miracle centers” in times of trouble. When his business began sinking and out of impatience, the young man visited a Prophet who told him to bring a huge amount of money for prayers and sacrifice. The young man obeyed like a goat being led to the slaughter house. After some days when nothing happened, he returned back to the prophet. The prophet told him that his elder brother and his immediate younger brother were responsible for his predicaments. He told the boy to get their photos so that he (the prophet) will offer sacrifice with it. Friends, GUESS WHAT! This young man was the ONLY CHILD of his parents. He had NO siblings. That was when it dawned on him that he has been deceived. Imagine what would have happened if he had siblings.

Beloved, every one of us at one point or the other encounters difficult challenges that shake our faith. It is not the challenges that matter but our approach to those challenges. Life is filled with experiences which most times require us to be patient with God. It is very easy for us to put on our best clothes on a Sunday morning, attend the best Church, sit on the front row, give God a good offering, receive Holy communion and yet we may not receive the Blessings inherent in the Holy Mass. We struggle to appear religious on Sundays but we secretly patronize “houses of prayer”, “Miracle centers”, “shrines”, “fetish places” on week days because we are miracle-seeking Christians. Nobody wants to suffer, we all want a life devoid of sufferings forgetting that Jesus, our ultimate role model gave us an injunction to take up our cross and follow Him (cf. Matt 16:24). The cross represents our sufferings.

In case you don’t know, so many Christians especially “miracle-seeking Christians” visit such places. A Lady looking for a life partner will not even waste time to patronize such places especially if age is no longer on her side same with a man looking for wealth or a couple looking for the fruit of the womb. The examples are numerous.

Friends, in times of trial where do you visit for solutions (be sincere)? Have you visited a “Miracle center”, “prayer house”, “shrines” before? What was the experience like?

(c) Anthony Aniebo

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